5th International Conference of the AWBR (2010)
Auckland, New Zealand
Diversity and convergence in regional know‐how: the case of Central Otago Pinot Noir (PDF)
Sue Caple, David Ballantyne and Maree Thyne
Jean‐Marie Cardebat and Jean‐Marc Figuet
The winery as an experiential stimulation: Differences between passage and proximity tourism (PDF)
Tatiana Bouzdine‐Chameeva and François Durrieu
Tatiana Bouzdine‐Chameeva and Mari Ninomiya
Claude Chapuis
Stephen Charters
Marketing perspectives within the Western Australian wine industry (PDF)
Stephen Charters, Marilyn Clark‐Murphy, Alan Brown and Elizabeth Walker
The impact of the geographical reputation on the value created by small producers in Champagne (PDF)
Stephen Charters and David Menival
Armando Maria Corsi, Leonardo Casinia and Cam Rungie
How does item order and other information impact wine menu choice? (PDF)
Armando Maria Corsi, Simone Mueller, Larry Lockshin
How consumers from the Old World and New World evaluate traditional and new wine attributes (PDF)
Tiziana de Magistris, Etienne Groot, Azucena Gracia and Luis Miguel Albisu
François d’Hauteville
Promise and reality: Is grape variety a credible quality indicator for French wines? (PDF)
François d’Hauteville
An institutional approach to French wine strategies: The Cahors case (PDF)
Jean‐Guillaume Ditter, Joëlle Brouard and Maureen Benson‐Rea
A matter of taste: Consumer preferences of sweet and dry wines (PDF)
Tim H. Dodd, Natalia Kolyesnikova and James B. Wilcox
Wine cluster strategic resources, firm value creation and competitive advantage (PDF)
Jaime E. Fensterseifer and Jean‐Louis Rastoin
Women and wine: Analysis of this important market segment (PDF)
Sharon L. Forbes, David A. Cohen and David Dean
‘It’s a happy drink’: Australasian Generation Y’s experiences and perception of sparkling wine (PDF)
Joanna Fountain and Nicola Fish
Kamal Ghose
Where to shop? The influence of store choice characteristics on retail market segmentation (PDF)
Steve Goodman, Larry Lockshin and Hervé Remaud
I heard it through the grapevine! Exploring drivers of participation in virtual communities (PDF)
Cullen Habel, Roberta Veale and Vinh Nat Lu
How to distinguish ‘brands’ and ‘generics’ among wines or could an origin be a brand? (PDF)
Dieter Hoffmann
Linda D. Hollebeek
Wine Price Function and its Variables: The Case of Bordeaux Wines (PDF)
L. Knecht, B. Lecat and M. Paulssen
Affective responses to direct mail messages: The effect of gratitude and obligation (PDF)
Natalia Kolyesnikova, Sara L. Sullivan Dodd and Coy Callison
Development of an objective knowledge scale: Preliminary results (PDF)
Natalia Kolyesnikova, James B. Wilcox, Tim H. Dodd, Debra A. Laverie and Dale F. Duhan
Debra A. Laverie, Natalia Kolyesnikova, Tim H. Dodd and James B. Wilcox
Lecat, Benoit
The influence of shelf information on consumers’ wine choice (PDF)
L. Lockshin, S. Mueller and J. Louviere
Export performance and financial constraint in French wine SMEs (PDF)
Carole Maurel and Jean‐Laurent Viviani
Alcohol and wine consumptions’ patterns over consumers’ lifetimes (PDF)
Lauro Melo
The greatest French AOCs: A signal of quality for the best graduated wines (PDF)
David Menival
Adding value through cooperation: A study of the New Zealand food and wine tourism network (PDF)
Richard Mitchell and Joanna van der Linden
S. Mueller, P. Osidacz , L. Francis and L. Lockshin
Simone Mueller and Hervé Remaud
Simone Mueller, Gergely Szolnoki
The Portuguese wine industry and Web 2.0: The Infovini project (PDF)
Henriqueta Nóvoa
Millennials’ perceptions to environmentally responsible winery practices: An exploratory study (PDF)
Linda Nowak, Sandra Newton and Armand Gilinsky
Consumer metacognitions: The ease, speed, and accuracy of inferring meaning from wine packages (PDF)
Ulrich R. Orth, Kai‐Brit Bechtold and Yonca Limon
Designing wine retail interiors to elicit desirable consumer impressions (PDF)
Ulrich Orth, Frauke Heinrich and Yonca Limon
Bottle size and scarcity: A case on price of bottles in Champagne (PDF)
J. François Outreville
J. François Outreville
Jean-Eric Pelet
Moderating effects of wine involvement in wine tourism (PDF)
Marlene Pratt
What is normal wine buying price? An exploration of how image impact upon research data (PDF)
Caroline Ritchie
Horizontal networks and collaborative marketing in the Tasmanian wine industry (PDF)
Gemma Roach
Florian Ruhdorfer and Claudia Hienerth
Market power and price competition in Italian wine market (PDF)
Antonio Seccia, Antonio Stasi and Gianluca Nardone
Exploring wine list design strategy in French restaurants (PDF)
Lucie Sirieix and Hervé Remaud
Consumer perceptions of eco‐friendly vs. conventional wines in Australia (PDF)
Lucie Sirieix and Hervé Remaud
Nathalie Spielmann and Barry Babin
Gergely Szolnoki
How do millennials’ wine attitudes and behaviour differ from other generations? (PDF)
Joanne Teagle, Simone Mueller and Larry Lockshin
José Manuel Carvalho Vieira and Elisabete Magalhaes Serra
Tales of two travelers: A comparative analysis of winery and general tourists (PDF)
Richard Wade, Mark Holmes and Hersch Jacobs
Case study on the introduction of the screwcap to the Australian wine market (PDF)
Damien Wilson
Damien Wilson and Frédérique Jourjon
Identifying the events that coincide with growth in wine involvement (PDF)
Damien Wilson and Guenter Schamel
Intergenerational entrepreneurship in family businesses: A wine industry perspective (PDF)
Paul J. Woodfield