The Academy for Wine Business Research (AWBR) is an international organisation of academic researchers and like-minded members of the wine trade, who wish to share ideas, research findings and collaborate in their chosen area of interest. This document sets out the basic operating principles for the association.
- Any person involved in research or business with the wine sector is welcome to join the organisation. Membership will last for the period between conferences. The host organisation will add a membership fee to the conference registration and that fee will be transferred to the AWBR operating account after the conference. The secretary of AWBR shall announce and make available an option for joining AWBR and paying the membership fee at the same time as the conference is announced and shall include this option in subsequent communications for those not attending.
- The fees will be kept low and one fee will apply for all members. The fee can be changed by a simple majority vote at the conference general meeting. The initial fee is 60€ or equivalent.
- The membership fees will be transferred by the host organisation to the AWBR after the conclusion of the conference.
- Revenue above expenses for the conference, excluding membership fees, are the property of the hosting organisation. If expenses exceed revenue for the conference, excluding membership fees, the loss is borne by the hosting organisation.
- All members may vote at the general meeting. Members not attending may vote by email sent from a verifiable work address to the secretary at least one week before the start of the conference.
2. THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (known at the Committee)
- The Committee will consist of paid members elected at the general meeting. The term for a member will be initially four years, but there is no limit for consecutive terms.
- The Committee will comprise 10 people, including the officers. The aim is that the Committee will comprise at least two members each representing the main regions of wine business research: Europe, North America, Australia-New Zealand. Members from other regions are encouraged to join the Committee.
- The coordinator(s) of each conference will join the committee for the period from one conference prior to the end of the conference they host, if they are not already on the Committee.
- Nominations to join the committee will be submitted to the Secretary at least two months before the following conference. Nomination forms will be included with the conference materials sent to all members.
- The election of members and officers will occur during the general meeting at the conference. The Secretary will prepare the ballots prior to the conference. Election is by a simple majority.
- The AWBR Management Committee shall be able to co-opt one or two people to serve on the Management Committee to aid in special projects for a period not exceeding two years. No more than two co-opted committee members shall serve at any one time.
- Committee meetings will be held as necessary and typically will be done online and asynchronously. The President may call a meeting to make a decision as necessary. Any member of the Committee can advise the President of the need for a meeting.
- Officers
- Officers are elected for a period of four years (every other conference) by a simple majority. Officers may hold office for two consecutive terms (up to eight years).
- President – oversees the Committee meetings and the general meeting of the conference. She or he represents AWBR to the trade and the public.
- Vice president – performs the duties of the president in the president’s absence and is the next in line to be president; acts as advisor to the President
- Secretary – takes the minutes at Committee and general meetings, oversees the nominations and elections for the Committee and officers.
- Treasurer – manages the dues as collected from the members; maintains a bank account in the name of the AWBR; prepares an annual income and expenditure account and balance sheet and provides a financial statement at the general meeting and as needed for the Committee.
- The monies collected as membership fees will be placed in an account in the name of the AWBR and managed by the Treasurer.
- At least two of the officers, typically the President and the Treasurer will be signatories of the account.
- Expenditures from the account above 60€ or equivalent will be approved by a simple majority of the Committee based on a proposal sent to all Committee members. Expenditures below 60€ can be made with the approval of the President and one other officer in writing.
- The monies collected from members can be used for the improvement or operations of the AWBR for such activities as (but not limited to): website development, brochures or other promotional material, scholarships and awards.
- AWBR will hold a meeting or conference every 18 months to two years, hosted by an organisation, most typically a university or institute involved in wine business research in some way. The Academy may choose to meet more often by a simple majority decision of the committee at the current conference.
- The timing of the meeting should suit the majority of members. This is usually in the summer period in either the northern or southern hemisphere.
- The location of a conference will be determined a minimum of 9 months before the upcoming one. Any institution wishing to bid for a conference must submit their proposal to the President a minimum of 12 months before the next conference. If more than one proposal is received, the Committee will decide the next location, and the successful bidder informed within three months. The Committee will endeavour to have the conference move between continents, rather than hosting in the same region two times in a row. However, if there are no other proposals, the conference can be held in the same continent.
- The structure of each conference can be altered as needed by the hosting organisation to allow for special sessions or events. The general structure is for at least two days with paper presentations and general sessions followed by a winery tour day. Typically, there will be an informal dinner where each member will bring a wine from their home region to share and a banquet featuring local wines and foods, where awards are presented. Extra days and sessions can be added by the hosting organisation.
- Each conference will have a general meeting of members to vote on any necessary business as deemed by the Committee.